
Hi I'm Robbie.

I've been teaching connection, communication and group dynamics since 2008.

My life was changed when I first met people who were not just connecting and communicating, but talking about connection and communication. About how to communicate more effectively, so that your connections are stronger, deeper and more true. That these things that are central to all of our lives can be consciously improved.

This is great news, dear reader, and it’s great news for you. Wherever you are in your journey of learning to consciously connect, there is more waiting for you. You can still learn to be more of yourself, more alive, more free, more connected and more deeply embedded in the fabric of life.

I went down the rabbit hole of learning everything I could about this and what I discovered changed my life in innumerable ways. Now I help people create good change in their relationships, groups, teams, and communities.

I live in Colorado next to the Front Range of the Rockies, with my wonderful partner Lindsay Chrisler, and the greatest dog in the world.

Are you serious?

It pains me, gently, to write this segment. Explaining, or (even worse) apologizing for, a joke never goes well. But in the interests of clarity, for now it’s here.

You might have noticed there are parts of this site and the content I create that are tongue in cheek, playful, and irreverent. Alan Watts makes the great distinction between serious and sincere. The work I do is rarely serious. Laughter is our reaction to being broken out of a trance, and healing, growth and transformation often require us to break out of trances. So if people aren’t laughing, it’s a good bet that they are stuck. That being said, it’s a real business being a person alive in the world. It is not always fun, playful or light, and to pass everything off as a laughing matter would mean sometimes trampling over delicate, tender, beautiful and important parts of life.

So I try to avoid seriousness, but everything I do here is sincere.